Angular Charts

Charts are super useful to show results in a visual way. Use them in your dashboards or reports from your Angular applications.

In this Angular Template we offer two types of charts:

  • Nvd3

  • Ng2

Learn everything about charts in angular and why they are so important.

Nvd3 Angular Charts

  • Library references



  • The data for our charts example is in src/assets/data/ng2_nvd3_charts.json

  • Configurations for the charts is in src/app/charts/services/charts-data.service.ts

These are some of the nvd3 angular charts you can find in Angular Admin Template. With beautiful styles and super easy to customize.

Ng2 Angular Charts

  • Library references




  • The data for our charts example is in src/assets/data/ng2_charts.json

  • Configurations for the charts is in src/app/charts/services/charts-data.service.ts

These are some of the ng2 angular charts you can find in Angular Admin Template. With beautiful styles and super easy to customize.

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